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Habits Playbook

Go small to go big! Realize your possibilities.

An Introduction

Habits Worksheet

Build a Playbook for any habit you want to develop.

Introducing Tiny Habits

Expert Resource Links

This hub is a work in progress. If you would like more detail on Tiny Habits, consider either of these resources - both trusted experts on creating new enduring behaviors through tiny habits. 

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About BJ Fogg 

BJ Fogg is a scientist and professor at Stanford University, founder of Stanford's Behavior Design Lab and author of the bestselling book 'Tiny Habits'. His work is based on his lab's research and clients, the latter representing over 40,000 people according to his book and interviews.

The elegant simplicity of his model and methods are ideal for creating practical quick start new behavior goals. Our ASL approach to creating small new habits is informed by Fogg's model and method as outlined in his book Tiny Habits.  Consider reading his book if you'd like more details on specific methods, examples, and/or to teach other's how to apply tiny habits to meet their aspirations. 

About James Clear

James Clear's is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits which also applies the principals of building on tiny habits. He is a popular speaker and produces the '3-2-1' email newsletter on the topic. 

Clear's methods, terminology and style are different from Fogg's but the underlying principles are consistent. Clear begins with the importance of aligning new habit goals to one's identity - the person you aspire to be - and reminds us to focus on the process of becoming the person whose habits will lead to the outcomes we hope for.  Consider Atomic Habits if you would like explore how to define and align your habits with your identity, with the person you aspire to be. 

Enjoy learning how to go small to GO BIG!  

Habit Resource Links

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