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Our Purpose

To enhance life today through simple habits while protecting health, vitality, and resilience for tomorrow.

Our Priority

To protect the brain while tapping into it's own behaviors, habits and natural response mechanisms. 

Our Promise

To focus on high-impact strategies through bite-sized, actionable steps you can start today.

About Us

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In the meantime, comment on posts or contact us here to share your thoughts & questions.​

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Your Host & Lead Investigator

Janice Cunningham, MPH

Vancouver, Canada

​I created ASL with Sibel to be a trusted information filter. I love geeking out with deep dives – especially the neuroscience that helps to explain why we do what we do. So why not share what I'm learning?


Given my heavy filtering for what we ultimately share on ASL, I owe you some background for what shapes my analysis and biases...



  • Master of Public Health (MPH) with health behavior change and mHealth subspecialty.

  • Early champion for telemedicine and digital health innovation.

  • Practitioner and instructor training in Chen Taiji and Qi Gong.



  • Brain health is the foundation for quality of life: physical, mental and spiritual.

  • Integrating Modern Science with Ancient Wisdom provides a more holistic perspective.

  • We're all an N-of-1. What works for me may not work for you.



Hearing the words... "Just have a little willpower" or "That's normal aging - just accept it!" (Despite evidence to the contrary.)



Avoiding dementia of any kind became a priority when my father passed from Alzheimer's Disease (AD) complications. A deep dive into the latest research made it clear lifestyle habits were better than any drug available to help prevent or slow down AD - habits that overlap with virtually all those recommended for our physical and emotional wellbeing. 


These deep dives also led to new insights for how to build these lifestyle habits - how to tap into the natural workings of brain. Focus on the brain, the body and mind will follow!​


If any of this resonates with you, I hope you'll join us on this journey.


Be safe. Be well.


Advisor & Chief Skeptic

Sibel Tunali

London, England

Greetings from London!


We all know how easy it is to believe what we want to believe, so my primary role on the ASL Project is designated skeptic.

I look for the potential alternatives to the conclusions we come to that feel so obvious at first glance. I also look at the doability test, knowing the practical challenges of what it means to juggle life as a mother, business executive, and more recently, cancer survivor working to regain her energy and vitality!


A bit more about me: 

  • I apply my years as an engineer turned executive in the telecom sector to advise and mentor food, wellness, and technology startups.

  • Being the mother of my twins has shaped my life priorities. 

  • I see the world through a new lens after multiple years of cancer treatment.


Please join me in this role of advisor and skeptic through our contact form and occasional survey.


This is a living project with an ever evolving process; your perspectives will help make the ASL Project more useful for everyone!


Wishing you well, 



mental, social and physical well-being


being physically and mentally active

to withstand & recover quickly from difficulties

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